About Me

My photo
Portland, Oregon
I'm a vegetarian wife of a vegan who loves to cook! This is my first go at a Blog so have mercy on me! When I refer to certain foods/ingredients as "It's Happy!" this means we can eat it (completely vegan)!

About my Blog

I grew up in the South eating meat & potatoes. When I found I could no longer digest meat, poultry, or seafood I began to replicate the recipes of my childhood using non-animal products. For almost 7 years, I've been modifying classic comfort food recipes with various protein and plant resources. Some of my influences are the chicken fried "steak" at Vita Cafe, the orange chicken at Wheel of Life, and the BBQ Tempeh sandwhich at Blossoming Lotus.

For those who wonder what Vegans could possibly eat, or for vegans/vegetarians who are looking for different ideas for meals this blog will serve as a resource and database...Enjoy!

Friday, August 8, 2008

Meatless Ball Grinder

This is a great recipe if you're short on time, don't feel like utilizing every pot & pan in the house, or you have friends coming over last minute!

Here's what you'll need:

1 Baguette (makes 3 big grinders or 6 smaller ones)
1 Bag of Meatless Balls (I personally like the Trader Joe's brand)
1 Jar of your favorite marinara
1 Green Bell Pepper sliced into spears
2 TBS Olive Oil
2 TBS chopped onion
2 TBS chopped garlic
2 TBS of nutritional yeast to veganize it or parmesan cheese for the vegetarians

In a large fry pan (low to medium heat):

Saute` the onions and garlic in olive oil until they start to brown. Then add the Meatless Balls and continue to brown. Next you'll add the sliced bell peppers and the jar of marinara. Let it simmer for about 20 minutes stirring every 5 minutes. While the the meatless ball mixture is simmering cut your bagette into 3 or 6 servings. Then slice them in 1/2 but don't cut all the way through! It'll hold your balls better this way! After the 20 minutes are up go ahead and fill each bagette. Sprinkle either the nutritional yeast (which is loaded with B vitamins) or parmesan cheese. Serve with chips, fries, or on it's own! Enjoy...


Janessa said...

Nothing like some good hot meatless balls...looks delicious Mik!

Nice one!

Space Zombie said...

Yum city!
Awesome logo, yo!